In fantasy football, I am now King of the Roost. I sit on top of the Yahoo Public Fantasy League number 308497 with a 3-1 record. There are two other players with 3-1 records, but I have scored a commanding 329 points through three games, and the next closest point total is 77 points behind me with 252. My main running back, Ladainian Tomlinson had an off game today, or I would be dominating even more thoroughly.
Of course, the Cowboys blew the Tennesse Titans out 45-14, and Alberta Haynesworth will be getting a five week suspension, the longest in league history for on-the-field conduct. The second longest was a two week suspension back in 1986 when Chris Martin body slammed Jim McMahon on the field. Everyone knew that McMahon would get body slammed at some point in his career, so it was a much less shocking incident. The suspension will also cost Miss Alberta around 1/4 million dollars in salary. A good start, but she may also face legal problems if Andre Gurode decides to press charges for the incidnent. Gurode had to have thirty stitches in his face, and very could have easily lost his left eye over the incident.
Miss Alberta said she was sorry after she had time to sit in the locker room and realized her children were watching the game. Too bad she didn't think of that while she was ripping Andre's helmet off.
In summary, a good football week for me again. Go Cowboys.

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